What is a Cottage School?
A Cottage school is a private Christian school that meets a minimum of one day a week in a traditional school model with instruction provided by a trained classroom teacher. The satellite classroom instruction is overseen by parents who provide supplemental, individualized instruction under the guidance and supervision of the classroom teachers. View our daily schedule by clicking on the link below.
Complete and Classical
HLS Phoenix Valley instructs students in the classical subjects using the core curriculum from Memoria Press with an emphasis on Latin and English Grammar. The importance of Latin to a classical education cannot be overstated, and the benefits are too great to ignore. Children who learn Latin as part of their classical education are better able to grasp not only their own language, but will be better equipped for learning the modern sciences, government, Theology, law, and foreign languages.
Subjects by Grade
In the section below you will find a detailed list of the subjects your child will cover in class on Mondays. Kindergarten through 2nd grade use the entire curriculum package from Memoria Press. The enrichment portion will be covered in the afternoons, so purchasing additional packages (ex. read-alouds, science enrichment, etc.) is entirely optional.
- Recitation
- Phonics/Spelling
- First Start Reading
- Math
- Penmanship
- Copybook (Poetry & Scripture memory work)
*Enrichment will be completed in class.
1st Grade
- Recitation
- Phonics/Spelling
- Literature/Reading
- Math
- Penmanship/Cursive
- Copybook (Poetry & Scripture memory work)
*Enrichment will be completed in class.
2nd Grade
- Recitation
- Prima Latina
- Intro English Grammar
- Spelling
- 2nd Grade Literature
- Math
- Cursive
- Copybook (Poetry & Scripture memory work)
*Enrichment will be completed in class.
3rd Grade
Subjects covered:
- Latin (Latina Christiana I)
- English Grammar I
- Composition (All Things Fun & Fascinating)
- 3rd Grade Literature
- Greek Myths I
- Christian Studies I
- Arithmetic 3
- Science: Mammals
- States & Capitals
*Electives include choir & art
4th Grade
Subjects covered:
- Latin (Latina Christiana II)
- English Grammar I
- Classical Composition I: Fable
- 4th Grade Literature
- Greek Myths II
- Christian Studies I
- Astronomy
- Arithmetic 4
- Spelling
- States & Capitals
*Electives include choir & art
5th Grade
Subjects covered:
- Latin (First Form)
- English Grammar II
- Classical Composition II: Narrative
- 5th Grade Literature
- Classical Studies: Famous Men of Rome
- Christian Studies II
- Greek Alphabet
- Spelling
- Arithmetic 5
- Geography I
- Science: The Book of Insects
What's Next?
HLS Phoenix Valley uses the Memoria Press curriculum for classical and Christian subjects. We also have a uniform policy. All students must be in full uniform on our in-person class days.
HLS is a classical, Christian school with a unique culture of discipline, tradition, and excellence. Our uniform policy and dress standards are designed to support and reinforce these values. Ensuring your child honors the letter and the spirit of the uniform policy assists us in this task.
Book List
HLS students meet in-person at our Phoenix Valley campus on Mondays. Students in kindergarten through 2nd grade use the entire curriculum package from Memoria Press. Students in Upper School grades will use a custom package. If you have any questions about ordering materials contact us or call Memoria Press customer service.
In partnership with parents, and guided by the Gospel, we strive to educate students to the highest standards of the classical tradition, so that they may grow in knowledge, wisdom, and the love of Our Lord, and more ably use their gifts in the service of others, and for the glory of Christ and his Church.